The PAW Congress is dedicated to exploring the interconnected dynamics of the Food-Water-Energy nexus through the unifying lens of data. This year, we will delve into how integrated approaches in this field can effectively address socio-cultural challenges on both local and global scales. Join us as we celebrate the remarkable achievements with our partners and harness the insights gained to pave the way for future innovations and directions. Together, we will chart a course towards sustainable solutions that resonate across communities worldwide.

From policymakers, researchers and artists, to entrepreneurs, scientists and the general public—this year’s Congress promises an exchange of innovative ideas, strategies and collaborative efforts focused on re-examining the solutions required to address the Decade of Action and implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

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Subscribe for more information on PAW 2024, including updates on registration, speakers, travel details and more. 



Registration Now Open.
See 'Where can congress attendees stay?' FAQ for accomodation information. 

Congress Program

Please join the University of Saskatchewan International Office as they host a pre-PAW International Congress session, "Developing and Maintaining Sustainable Research Partnerships in Germany" to provide an opportunity to learn more about USask’s current collaborations in Germany and make new connections between researchers already working in and/or interested in working in Germany. The DAAD Toronto Office Senior Manager will be joining the session to deliver a presentation on research and mobility funding opportunities for researchers, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. 


Audience: This event is for all leaders, faculty, staff, researchers, PhD students and postdoctoral fellows with a history of collaboration in Germany, and/or an interest in pursuing collaborations and partnerships in Germany. This is an in-person event only. 

Agenda: An agenda will be circulated by email one week prior to those who have RSVPed. 

Other: Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.  

Resources: We will be compiling a slide deck to overview at the event, and which can be shared with attendees following the event that contains information about the current research and collaborations between USask and partners in Germany. If you are currently collaborating with partners in Germany, we request you to complete the attached slide template and return it to our office by October 1, 2024 so that it can be included (please send to 

Please RSVP by emailing by October 7th, 2024. Please note that registration for this workshop is complimentary and seperate from registration for the PAW Congress.  


Pre-Congress optional activities coming soon

Start Time End Time Activity
7:30am 8:30am Registration
8:30am 9:30am Welcome
9:30am 10:15am Opening Keynote Speaker: Dr. Daniela S Jones, North Carolina State University, USA
10:15am 10:30am Break
10:30am 12:00pm Plenary Panel: Food, Water, and Energy 2.0: Data-Driven Approaches and How They Are Motivating New Solutions and New Opportunities
12:00pm 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm 2:30pm Student Poster Presentations
2:30pm 3:00pm Break
3:00pm 4:30pm

Concurrent Sessions
Topic areas covering:

  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Equity and Social Inclusion
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Indigenous Peoples
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Sustainable Development
4:30pm 6:00pm Break
6:00pm 8:00pm Reception

All times are CST. Program subject to change.


Start Time End Time Activity
8:00am 9:00am Registration Desk Open; Light Breakfast and Networking
9:00am 9:45am Keynote Speaker: Dr. Alice Bouman-Dentener, Director DiploriA Sustainable Development Solutions, Netherlands
9:45am 10:15am Break
10:15am 11:45am

Concurrent Sessions
Topic areas covering:

  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Equity and Social Inclusion
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Indigenous Peoples
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Sustainable Development
11:45am 1:00pm Lunch
1:00pm 2:30pm

Concurrent Sessions
Topic areas covering:

  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Equity and Social Inclusion
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Indigenous Peoples
  • Food-Water-Energy-Data and Sustainable Development
2:30pm 2:45pm Break
2:45pm 4:15pm Closing Plenary
4:15pm 4:30pm Conference Closing

All times are CST. Program subject to change.

Keynote Speakers


Dr. Daniela S. Jones is an Assistant Professor in the Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department at North Carolina State University (NC State), where she also serves as the Data Science Academy Director of Agricultural Analytics. She holds a joint faculty appointment with Idaho National Laboratory (INL) and is the Director of the Agricultural Data Science Certificate program at NC State. Additionally, she is a Graduate Faculty in the Operations Research Program, and in the Center for Geospatial Analytics.

Dr. Jones specializes in developing large-scale, heterogeneous, geo-temporal data-intensive machine learning and optimization models to enhance the sustainability of intensifying agricultural systems. Her biofuels research focuses on the feasibility of harvesting, preprocessing, storing, and delivering agricultural waste for energy conversion to mitigate environmental impacts. She also collaborates with industry partners to process agriculture data from various sources such as gene expression, management practices, ground-based sensors, drone imagery, weather stations, and satellite sensors. This comprehensive data spans the entire agricultural lifecycle—from planting and growing to harvesting and packing—allowing her to identify factors that impact produce yield in both quantity and quality.

Dr. Jones earned her PhD in Biological and Agricultural Engineering with a concentration in energy systems from Texas A&M University, where she was an Alfred P. Sloan Scholar and received a certificate in Business Management. She also holds a Master’s and Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering with a focus on operations research and a minor in Mathematics from Mississippi State University. During her academic career, she interned at Idaho National Laboratory and collaborated with multidisciplinary teams at Oak Ridge National Laboratory on biofuels and renewable energy projects. Prior to her current role, Dr. Jones was a postdoctoral associate at Duke University, where she conducted quantitative and qualitative research on student interventions and supported programming for educational and career development workshops, as well as community development events for underrepresented students in the biosciences.




Alice Bouman-Dentener graduated as a biologist/ethologist from Utrecht University in the Netherlands. In the course of her international career, she has developed a focus on water governance, social inclusion and gender. She has had a prominent role in shaping the water and gender agenda during the Water for Life Decade 2005 – 2015 and continuing into the current Water for Sustainable Development Action Decade, where she serves as a Member of the International Advisory Committee of the Dushanbe Water Process.

Alice founded the Women for Water Partnership (WfWP) in 2004 and served as its President for 10 years, during which period WfWP developed into the leading women’s civil society network in the water domain spanning close to 100 countries. WfWP member organisations have an impressive track record of empowering women and leading water for sustainable development action in their communities and countries. Other prominent roles in the water for sustainable development domain include Vice-Chair and Chair ad interim of the Global Water Partnership Intergovernmental Organization (GWP), Chair of the European Water Stewardship Members Council, and Member of the International Steering Committee of the Young Water Solutions Fellowship Programme. She is the Vice-President of the Water Research and Training Centre International Foundation (WRTC).

Most recently, Alice co-founded Cansu Global uniting academia, private sector and governments as critical enablers for water inclusive, climate smart and gender sensitive development action.

Alice has been the Women’s Representative in the Delegation of the Kingdom of The Netherlands to the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA, 1999), the World Summit for Sustainable Development (WSSD, 2002), and the Beijing + 15 Forum of the EU-Presidency (2010). She is a longstanding member of the Advisory Board of Gender Concerns International (GCI).

Alice was proclaimed Action Hero of the UN Water for Life Decade in 2015 and Knight in the Order of Orange-Nassau in April 2016. She is the first laureate of the HRH Prince Mohammad bin King Faisal (I) El-Hashemite Award.

Student Poster Session


Purpose: To highlight and uplift USask’s student researchers conducting research related to the Food-Water-Energy Nexus, sustainable development, and/or equity and social inclusion. Prizes will be awarded for the top three (3) posters.

Open to: All students conducting research in areas related to the Food-Water-Energy Nexus, sustainable development, and/or equity and social inclusion.

Eligibility: Students are eligible if they are:

  • USask student – Graduate or Undergraduate (degree-seeking, exchange, VRS, visiting, etc.) and PDFs.
  • Conducting research with a USask faculty member
  • Can highlight their research is connected to one of the SDGs

For more information please contact


PAW 2024 will take place October 17-18, 2024 on the University of Saskatchewan (USask) main campus located in Saskatoon, SK. A potential pre-congress workshop on October 16, 2024 will also take place on the main USask Campus. An evening reception will take place at a location within the city.

More details to come.

All conference registration costs are outlined under the 'Registration' tab.

Registration will open in August, 2024. 

Once open, reigstration may be completed by following the link under the 'Registration' tab.

Additional tickets for the evening reception may be available depending on final numbers. If you are interested in additional tickets please email

A virtual option will not be available for PAW 2024.

Congress attendees travelling to Saskatoon are encouraged to take advantage of discounted block rates at select local hotels. Click below to learn more.

Business casual.

If you have additional questions not addressed above, please contact


Sponsor the PAW 2024 International Congress in Saskatoon, October 16-18. Align your brand with sustainability, connect with global experts, and drive meaningful change. Join us in making a world of difference.

Please contact if you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of PAW 2024.

Congress Resources

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a call for action by all countries — poor, rich and middle-income — to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and address a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.

The United Nation's 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Our University Plan 2025 commits us to be “The University the World Needs”. This means harnessing our talents and resources to respond to contemporary challenges and opportunities. The Critical Path to Sustainability strategy lays out an ambitious set of five goals and 17 actions that responds to these challenges and opportunities. We commit to achieving them by 2030, aligning with the Agenda Sustainable Development Goals.

This framework contains the voices, experiences and expectations of many equity-deserving groups. It is an expression of hope and courage – one that must be met by the courage and determination of a university community committed to becoming what the world needs.

The Office of the Vice-Provost Indigenous Engagement works within and outside the university to meet the unique needs of Indigenous students, staff, faculty and communities and uplift Indigenization by advancing initiatives and strategies that promotes Indigenous Knowledges and supports reconciliation and decolonization. 

Photography provided by the University of Saskatchewan Images of Research contest

'Thriving in the Arid Tapestry' by Lakma Rathuge
'Fire Season Reflections' by Lindsay Carlson
'In Memory of a Tropical Paradise' by Alexander Pelletier
'The Wonder of a Tiny Factory' by Kalhari Manawasinghe